Minimalist CV (Astro component) Star
Astro component to display a print-friendly and minimalist CV inspired by BartoszJarocki/cv.
npm install cv-astro
Your Astro project must be configured to use TailwindCSS
Configure your TailwindCSS config to include the styles in the cv-astro
// tailwind.config.ts
import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss'
export default {
content: [
// Add the following line
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
} satisfies Config
Import the component in your Astro project:
import CV from 'cv-astro';
<CV {...cvData}/>
is an object implementing theICVData
type interface defined insrc/cv.d.ts
:interface ICvData { info: IPersonalInfo; experience?: IExperience[]; volunteering?: IVolunteer[]; education?: IEducation[]; certifications?: ICertification[]; skills?: ISkill[]; projects?: IProject[]; config?: { categoryOrder?: string[]; }; }